Saturday, 7 April 2018

A must read for candidates with 180&below


What are my chances of getting admiasion with jamb score below 180?
This has been the question bothering so many university aspirants.
It’s obviously true that the true test of knowledge is not exam buh in a way it’s part of it.
Many are faced with trauma or different psychological problem during examination thereby affecting their performances in their result.
From the look of things ,it appears that many passed jamb this year buh if you found yourself scoring lower mark,you shouldnt panick.
From the previous years ,Jamb cutoff for universities has been 150 and above while polytechnics and monotechnics has been 130 or 140 and above while colleges of education cutoff has been 120 and above.
Also Read: jupeb courses
Hence from the above estimations you had scored lesser than 180 but above 120,you still have higher chances of getting admission.
Nigeria now has changed,most at times ,it’s not what you study that guarantees your future work.
So don’t waste your jamb score.
That your low mark of yours is somone dream score.
If your score is lesser than 180,i advise you to change your institution to polytechnic unless you have a third party to help you in your admission processing.
So as not to regret it later.
A school like unival cut 150 for postutme even for a course like medicine and at last their departmental cutoff for medicine was 291 .
Then tell me the chances you have if you had 150.
Thats 432 of which it’s not possible.
Hence read the 2017 departmental cutoff marks very well before changing your institution to secure your admission this year.